Thursday, January 29, 2009

Finished Product

I finished the decorations over the dining room table. It was relatively simple, and I think I like it, but I'm still deciding. I think I need more decor before I really decide because this is now the biggest decor in the apartment...aside from the furniture.
What do you think?

As a side note:
Uncle Glenn Jensen came into town on business and took us out to dinner tonight! It was great to see him. We hadn't seen him since Shlitterbahn in Texas. He's welcome any time!...especially if he feeds us ;)
Porter was so cute. We went to Red Robin (since it's really the closest nice place here) and he got to play with a balloon bear (which he made squeaky noises with...with his mouth and completely destroyed) and he got to take a balloon home! I even got him saying "a-ooofff" once.


Liz said...

Cute, Sierra. What material are the blocks made of?
Also FYI - the white font color at the bottom of your posts is tough to read. For instance, it's pretty hard to find the link to leave a comment. And I definitely want to comment!

Jill and Travis said...

I like it! You are so artsy! The colors are really neat.

Joseph & Shaylee said...

Very cute, don't you just love decorating?! I do!

Laura Howe said...

I think it's way cute. What did you use to do it? You should take a picture of it with a wider view so we can see the surroundings.