Sunday, September 6, 2009

First Week of Year Two

Seth has officially started his second year of Optometry school! He's gone almost all hours of the day, so Porter and I have kept ourselves busy by hanging out with friends! I am so grateful for the sweet and fun girls that are up here with us!

Most of the time, to keep busy, Porter and I go to the park in the complex and the ones around town. We also have visited various friends' houses and had people come over. I have finally gotten to go to the very small library here (thanks Brianne!) so I can get a card and now bring home books for Porter to ruin ;)...but I will also get to do some pretty sweet things for..FREEEE! (spoken like Adam Sandler on Bedtime Stories)

Other things I've done are: gone exercising every morning...6 am most days and 8am Wednesday cuz Seth doesn't have class till later that day..., went craft shopping, made a lot of zucchini related foods with the huge zucchini from the Hammons we got a few weeks back (so I've done a lot of baking since I only like zucchini in breads) kept the house clean (which is easier to do since Seth's never home), and finished this...

Note: frames not really the colors shown...flash is too bright and makes it weird
Ty came over yesterday, and I didn't have to be in Primary today (will tell you the reason later), and Porter was still a pain in nursery for the second week in a row...but I had a nice Sunday, because Seth just took care of him :)...all in all a very fulfilling, glorious week!
Let's cross our fingers that we stay this busy all the time!!


Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

hear, hear! Here's to a fun year!!

Laura Howe said...

I love your wall decor. I have just the wall. I have been trying to figure something out for my wall and this will do just perfectly.

Solomon and Lyndsie said...

Your wall hanging is awesome! I love how it turn out. You are so stinkin creative.