Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Seeing Results!!

So, all my working out is FINALLY paying off!!

I started working and on again since I had so many colds...last winter. I was at the heaviest I have been (excluding pregnancy) ever!! It was very depressing and uncomfortable.

Well, over the summer I really started working out every day, and continued to after school started for Seth.

And guess what...

I'm a Medium again, and I have hit pre-prego weight!!!

For the second time since having Porter...but who's counting?

A total of 15 pounds!

Can you tell I'm excited!?

I've got more to lose, but I'm so HAPPY to finally be seeing results!!

1 comment:

Jaimee said...

Yay! That's so exciting! I love see results from all your hard work. P90X has been great for me and I'm loving the changes and can't wait to look good in those skinny jeans again :o)

Keep up the hard work!