Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stroller Update

First of all, I want to thank everyone for their comments after the stolen post. I really appreciate the support!

We have not been blessed in finding the stroller, and, although it's still a bit harder without it, I'm not angry anymore. I'm grateful for the help of Heavenly Father. I have been granted peace, and have been thankful for the blessing it was that they didn't take anything else.

I'm now thinking of selling his carseat that goes with the stroller, and buying a jogging stroller. We aren't planning on another child (Dr's orders) until Porter is three, and when he is that age, and if I'm pregnant, we will be in the process of our final huge move to Casper. It would be better to get rid of things we wont be needing when we move, and things that are taking up storage room at the moment, than it would be to just replace the stroller with the same model.

Anyway, that's what sounds reasonable at the moment...

I'm always interested in your thoughts on the subject :)

1 comment:

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

A jogging stroller is a great idea. Because it will serve you in ways your other one couldn't. Maybe you can find one that folds up, then you will be set.