Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's Still Summer in September?

We had another 90+ degree week this last week, so these lovely mommies...

...and I took our childers to the BEACH! Since this would be our last opportunity without clouds.
It was high tide when we arrived, so high that it hit these rocks.

I've never seen it that was beautiful!
But, we had to hang out up here until it lowered.
Not comfortable, but we didn't need to stay there long.
This is Kristina's little boy moving a trunk...

...and I can't remember why...but all I can think when I look at this is: workin' hard or hardly workin'
makes me laugh
Kids are so cute.

When the tide was lower, we ventured out to the streams and the water.
Porter wasn't sure about it at first...

But eventually couldn't get enough of his "bass" (bath...spoken like the fish)

Hmmm...I wonder where he gets his love of the water...couldn't be Seth.

He and Eden had a blast playing in the water together...

It was really cute to watch.
Thanks Jen! What a great idea!

1 comment:

LaRene said...

Sierra those are some very good water pictures with Porter. He looks like he is in his favorite element:)