Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ode to Our Stroller

The car was left unlocked overnight...I think it was last Monday, but I'm not positive. Normally, it is locked, but I figured it wasn't a big deal because it can't have been unlocked for long since I work out at six in the morning. Well, after getting groceries on Monday, I noticed that the back of the car was really empty. I thought, wasn't the stroller back here? I don't remember taking it back inside...maybe Seth did.

And, I forgot about it until today when I wanted to use it.

Seth didn't take it inside, either.
It was nowhere to be found.

Someone stole it.

But everything else, that was worth more, was still in the car like our stereo, GPS, and some of Seth's tools.

Apparently they just wanted to have our stroller.

Maybe they needed it really bad?

Either way, it makes me uncomfortable that someone would invade our property and steal something that we obviously need.

I used that stroller to put Porter's huge heavy diaper bag in because it would hurt me, and now I only have the small "banana seat" (I think it's called) stroller that isn't heavy duty at all, and doesn't hold my bag.
Thankfully, they didn't take that one as well because it was also in the car.

It's really hard for me not to get angry at this person...I keep telling myself that they must have needed the stroller bad enough and didn't have the funds to pay for one of their own...but it's not helping my emotions much. And, if they needed money...why did they leave all the stuff of "real value"? It doesn't make sense, and I just get frustrated about it because now I'm either going to have to just go without because we can't afford another stroller or somehow find the funds to get another one...

Whoever did this, I hope you feel compelled to return it, but if not, I hope it helps out your child...if that's what you stole it for.

Now I just need to work on forgiving you.


Unknown said...

I don't know if you have 'generous' parents but I would tell them about it and you might just land yourself a new one :) maybe, they really did need it. stinks tho. I get why your PO'd at them.

Dione said...

Oh my gosh, that is sooo frustrating! I would die without a stroller I think :) You should check craigslist to see if they are selling it!

Jen said...

Oh man, that stinks! At least they didn't take anything else...but that is still so frustrating.

Kathryn said...

It's hard when you feel vulnerable and violated, isn't it? sorry.

Jenny said...

Sierra that stinks big time!! I am so sorry! Just FYI, we just bought a stroller off craigslist for $15 last week; maybe you could find one too :)! I am so sorry that happened to you!! :(

Jaimee said...

That's crappy! I'm glad you posted this actually because I've gott'n a little lazy about locking my car sometimes and my stroller is also in the trunk and I don't live in a very good neighborhood so it's a reminder that I need to lock my car! I'm sorry!! a few years ago I had my CD player stolen out of my car and I had in installed like the week before. I felt totally violated :o(

Travis and Heather said...

I hate it when people steal stuff. I mean really? How rude are they!!!

Laura Howe said...

maybe it's a sign you should just go buy a double. LOL. totally kidding! I second the craigslist suggestion.

Jamie & Ryan said...

Ugh! That sucks! When I was still in school at BYU-I, I used to always leave my car unlocked. That is until someone stole my almost my entire music collection!!! I had a giant CD case filled to the brim with CDs I had collected over the years. Music is kind of a big deal to me, so you can imagine how distraught I was! I know it was dumb of me to leave my car unlocked in the first place, but I guess I just had too much faith in the people there. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I feel for ya! I was really angry for a long time! I hope you get your stroller back so all those bad feelings will just go away. Carrying around a grudge is so tiring!