Sunday, September 20, 2009

Busy Week

This week could quite possibly have been my busiest week here, ever! Almost too busy...

I will be called to be Primary Chorister. I thought it was going to be this week, but no.

I was originally told that I would have a month to prepare, gather ideas, etc.

Last Sunday I was informed that I would have two weeks.

Good thing I had spent the previous Sunday searching online for ideas because I had a plan ready for this Sunday and got to work on it as soon as I could...Tuesday of this week.

I went out looking for certain things I needed for what I wanted to do. I don't own anything that could be used as something for Primary kids, so I did a lot of shopping.

I made my own stencils and cut out 10 different colored birds, worms, and flowers. I got sticks that I had Seth cut up so I could use them to glue to the back of the worms and flowers and put them in a flower pot. I painted the sticks for the flowers green.

I also made a poster board that said "Primary Children's Singing Hospital" and another one with a thermometer. The thermometer had levels of "performance readiness." I then printed off words: Emergency Room, Day Clinic, Immediate Release, song titles for the program, nonsense words for birthday song ideas

I also printed out flip charts for every song for the junior primary.

I went out and got a medical kit, a stuffed bee puppet, a white jacket, and more plastic ziploc bags to get organized.

I was late to the PAVA opening social because I went to Beaverton to laminate most of the said printed out things because the Kinkos in Cornelius didn't have a laminating machine big enough for my posters, and therefore I didn't get any food because all the pizza was gone. So, Seth and I left early and went to Red Robin.

Then I was late to a Ward BBQ because I was still working on the crafts to get ready for Sunday.

I didn't finish until 1 AM last night.

Oh, and did I mention I did all of this with Porter in tow? Yup, that's right! Seth had tests and things, so I didn't see him much, like usual, but I had to get it done, and didn't have the time to get a babysitter or the heart to throw him on someone else.

Here's how today went:

I started with Junior Primary which is HUGE...and LOUD...and hard to control. I gave those who were sitting reverently in their chairs during prelude "reverent birds" to wear as necklaces. Little did I know that giving them those would make them irreverent. I saw some chewing on them, trying to make them a visor, using them as weapons pecking their neighbor...I mean "reverent" bird didn't really fit them. It was more like "killer" birds.

I think I need to buy Lysol.

Anyway, then it was time for birthdays. I bought cute little birthday hats for the kids to wear that would make it so they felt special while we sang the birthday song.

Then I remembered lice...and I really think I need to buy Lysol if I want to keep this birthday hat thing.

That went well...well, as well as it would with a birthday boy turning eight and having eight people candles took a while to calm down again.

Apparently the bee I bought to remind them to "bee reverent" didn't work. Maybe next week.

Then we started singing time.

I put on the coat, put the poster boards up with the hospital terms/locations underneath, picked a matching "worm" for my not-so-reverent anymore "bird" and we started singing! (It was supposed to be "the reverent bird gets the worm") A lot of songs went into the ER. This was fun for the kids because they got to be the siren for the ambulance as one of them was the driver who took it to the ER. The siren sound they made was European, so I guess it was an ambulance from Europe. But, with that many songs unknown, the presidency and I began to be worried.

And then it was time for Senior Primary.

And it was like a breath of fresh air!

I didn't have to use reverent birds because they were and are always so good! I used the flowers I'd made with the painted sticks to pick helpers. The backs of the flowers said things like: wearing pink, red hair, brought scriptures, etc.

The Senior Primary completely passed off four songs! It made all of us who were worried before calm down some.

Something I wasn't fully expectin...I ended up taking up the whole time!

And now I'm exhausted.

I mean, completely drained.
And, I'm not the only one...

...there's more to do for next week, too!


Jen said...

You weren't kidding when you said you were busy! I love all your ideas though. I have to say that singing time is my favorite part of primary because of all of the little "games" that creative people like you come up with. And Jr Primary? All I can say is WOW. I wonder if it has anything to do with it being in such a small cramped room? It's tiny!!!

Kathryn said...

I SO remember my Primary years! Randy and I colored way into the night many Saturdays in a row. Cute chorister ideas. You are perfect for that calling!

Jamie & Ryan said...

Wow! Ryan and I are Sunbeam teachers (there are 6 rambunctious boys in our class), and it's hard enough with just them. Ryan and I are completely drained when we go home. I can't imagine being in charge of the entire primary! What in the world have I been whining about?? My heart goes out to ya, girl!

Laura Howe said...

wow! you rock, I bet you are the best primary chorister ever, I hope you enjoy it because now they're never going to release you. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, sounds like a busy and hectic one....blessings right? ha ha.