Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dear Porter

I have no idea what is bothering you. You seem like you're in pain, so maybe you're teething, but it's hard to tell because you are always whining. It's not fun when you come up to me and scream for no reason about something I don't know about all the time. You're not eating anything new that I'm putting in front of you, even if you've eaten it before. All you want are sweets, and I'm not giving in, so you're not eating much at all. I try to get you to eat regular things, and get you to show me or tell me what you want, but even when you have what you want, you still are grumpy and complaining about something else. That is why you are in time out...screaming your head off, and I'm trying to ignore you.

...but I still love you.

Please stop crying, eat your food, or go take a nap so my head will stop hurting.

Preferably all of those things.

Love Mom


Anonymous said...

Taiton is going through the same thing right now. Lots of time outs. He whines and disobeys a lot.I've notices Taiton purposely disobeys me when he's tired.

Jaimee said...

Oh the joys of motherhood... I totally know how you feel. My two year old and I are often at odds with eachother and I'm so tired of it. In fact, I think I might go cry....

Laura Howe said...

I hear ya! He probably is teething and he is also trying to figure out how to communicate. This is the funnest age and also very frustrating because they havn't figured that out yet. Good luck. At least he's still cute. :)

LaRene said...

I also think it is teeth. My guess is those darn molars. they can cause a lot of pain :( Just hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I tell people all the times, mothers need medication. How else are we to deal with the madness 24/7. But this too will pass. Katy is just coming out of one of her stages...about drove me crazy. Good Luck.