Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Miss...

I'm having one of those reminiscing days where I'm thinking about all the people and things I I thought I'd blog about it.
I miss... family....
...especially my cute mom.
Even if it's only been a little over a week since I saw her.

Twin Falls

I love the Perrine Bridge. It's my place of solitude. I like to walk the canyon rim and just sit under the bridge while all the cars go overhead.
Shoshone Falls is the prettiest falls I've ever seen. I miss picnics down there.

Old friends

BYUI friends

Collegiate Singers

Getting to hang out with my cute sister all the time.

Vocal Union

Heck, I just miss PERFORMING!...well, mostly singing-related performing.

Watching Seth play, and dancing along.
...which brings up dancing...

I miss these girls...A LOT.

I have no pictures of my artwork at the moment, but I miss taking the time to work on my art...

And most everyone is going to roll their eyes at this one

I miss being this skinny.

That's pretty much it.


Melissa said...

Oh Sierra! I miss you too! It's crazy because when we used to see each other all the time, like in high school, I never thought about how someday we wouldn't be living in the same town anymore.
I miss Twin Falls too. Such a nice place to live! :)
How are you and Seth and Porter doing by the way?

Jamie & Ryan said...

Aw, what a sweet post. There are lots of things I miss too, especially since I am so far from home. I really miss performing too. I kick myself quite often for not doing vocal union all 4 years... It would have been so fun to sing together!