Sunday, August 16, 2009

Posting Absence

It's been two weeks, and I'll post, I promise. I apologize to those who faithfully read this blog and have checked my site to no avail. Seth's best friend, Ty, has moved into they take up the main computer/TV to watch comedy shows...movies...TV shows...and other things...on Sunday afternoons/nights when I usually blog. I'm happy Seth has his friend close, but I think I will also be happy, perhaps happier, when I have my time slots again...and things are back to "normal"...
Until the time comes...perhaps tomorrow while Seth's working and Porter's napping...

1 comment:

Laura Howe said...

Lol! you're so good, to just let them play. That is exciting for Seth to have Ty there. Now you have 3 boys to feed huh. Good luck with that. :)