Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Violining Again

I heard someone call playing the violin "violining" once and I thought it sounded funny. Yes, grammatically it may be correct, but I still think it sounds weird...random, I know :)

Anyway, I have joined an orchestra! I haven't played in one since high school because I was focusing on my voice, but I'm really glad I've decided to do this. It was a last minute decision, too! I was thinking to myself, "you know, I really need to get out more...I also need to practice my violin more...I wonder if there are any local orchestras" and lo and behold there is! It's in Hillsboro which is about 20 min. away on the freeway, but not too bad a drive. I emailed the person in charge on Sunday, and she let me know that they had just finished their fall season and were starting their spring season the next day, and my timing was perfect! So, Monday, I went to the practice and am now an official member of Hillsboro Symphony Orchestra! Yay!

In other news, Porter has two new teeth...#10 and 11! He, Seth, and I have caught ANOTHER cold...which has not been good. So, on top of teething, he's sick...which has made for spliting headaches all day long on my part because of my sickness and his screaming...This is actually the first time he's been really grumpy while teething. I think it's because there's a ton coming in at once. Not fun.

BUT! We're keeping busy and we're definitely ready for spring break next week!!!

Something else Porter has been doing lately is standing up on his own!! I have no pictures yet, but he surprised us while we were at the Pitts the other day out of the blue! My baby isn't a baby anymore!


Jill and Travis said...

Good for you! That is exciting. I am glad you will be able to get out into the world and do something you love! Sorry to hear about the colds, though. Yucky!

Kathryn said...

Back to the violin! You will have so much fun. I have always preferred playing to singing, but then again I have a very mediocre voice, not an amazing one like you!

LaRene said...

I am so glad that you found an orchestra to play for. That will be a great place to be.
Sorry you are sick again. Maybe you need a gallon of Lysol :)