Sunday, March 8, 2009

Definition of an Active Child...


It all starts with attempted throws...with his mouth open?

"Wait...there's two?"


We have a subwoofer by the entertainment center that Porter likes to use as his own personal toy table.

Porter eats his toys...and any other object...better than his own food.

Once he was done with the shaped blocks, he moved on to the entertainment center.

This is something Porter has been doing for a while now...he pulls out the door...

...and shuts it in front of the screen so we can't see it. Not a good thing when you're in the middle of a movie.

And, boy, if he isn't proud of himself for this accomplishment.

Little mischief-maker.

Now that the entertainment center was "properly" shut, he moved on to something new.

Flinging around a rubber chicken!

But, this isn't just ANY rubber chicken.

THIS chicken poops an egg... EXTREMELY flexible...

...and can punish you for too much flinging!

Thanks, Pitts! ;)
Porter figured the chicken wasn't very nice once he had a stinging cheek, so he moved on...again.

Daddy left Porter's towel on the baby gate after his bath...sooo

Porter dragged it around for a bit!

A boy and his...towel?

That must have been qutie a workout dragging that thing around. He didn't do it for quite as long as the previous activities...and eventually got back to the blocks!

But, this time, he tried to put the correct shape in the correct hole...the way it's supposed to be. ;)
Believe it or not...this was ALL one night...and this is pretty typical!

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