Sunday, February 22, 2009

We all need...

I just saw this on my friend Kristi's blog, and I decided to check it out. It's a tag that's going around facebook where you google "[your name here] needs"
It's actually pretty funny!

Sierra needs...
...a family
...more funds to try killers
...your help
...more water
...rear end, just inspected
...more natural gas production to a friend
...replaced ;)
...a facelift

*bah ha!!!

Seth needs... stop being such a little b**** right now
...more sleep be patched
...Windows Print Management
...Sebastian (the crab?) read
...a double macciato
...a gf or bf
...a hobby
...a boxing coach
...a person to compliment his straight man

*bah ha ha!!!!

Porter needs...
...another hero go too show maturity lead by example not exuberance to tell a story
...a slice of humble pie
...a hug
...immediate support be baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost!
...more time to develop
...a remedial math lesson have experience and a driver's license


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