Tuesday, October 26, 2010

PAVA Halloween 2010

Saturday was the annual PAVA Halloween party!

I spent the whole day {not kidding} in the kitchen making Mom's delicious lasagna, a spinach salad, and these lovelies here...

eye{cake}balls on the craft blog

...all for the party.

The great news of all that labor was: all the food was a huge hit!

Especially the eyeballs.

Funny thing...

While I was making the treat, Porter took one look at the white chocolate I was using and said, "smell yummy? Smell please."

For, you see, my white chocolate looked a lot like my Scentsy scents:

Silly boy.

Here's us at the party!

I admit, I didn't put as much into it as I usually do.

I mean, Seth didn't even really dress up! ;)

Next year will be better, I promise.

Seth forgot his cowboy hat at home in Casper, so he borrowed Porter's...

Truly creepy, Seth.

But, I have to say, not as creepy as this:

Happy Halloween on Sunday!!

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