Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turkey Day

We hosted Thanksgiving for the second year in a row.

This time, instead of buying pre-sliced turkey, we actually cooked our own!

Or, should I say...


And, oh my goodness, it was the best turkey I think I've ever had (sorry, Mom).

It was juicy, flavorful, and just plain perfectly delicious!


The turkey bag.


Thanks, Brianne, for the tip!

Speaking of Brianne, here were our guests for the evening:

Ty, Brianne, Scott, Ezra (you see the top of his head by Scott), and Ryan (arm by Seth)

Everything was absolutely delicious.

For dessert, we had pie and brownies.

And, believe it or not, I actually made a pie!


Not exactly beautiful, but it was so good!

Seth told me I should make more.

Especially since it was diabetic-friendly!

I think Seth and I had a lot of beginner's luck with our dinner, but we certainly enjoyed the company and the food.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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