Sunday, January 31, 2010

Porter the Playful

Porter is a very playful little boy.

If he's not playing with Daddy...

He finds ways to play with Mama...

Like standing in her tripod check picture.

He loves when I take out the camera.

Sometimes, he'll even pose for me.

Froggy pose?

He certainly is a smarty-pants...a goofball...and a tease.

He's facinated with everything gadget...

And, he likes to experiment.

He likes to see how far he can go without getting into trouble, and he likes to try new things with his appendiges and vocal chords.

He's just our cute, entertaining, bundle of joy!


Jaimee said...

Sierra! You look fantastic! You had mentioned that you had lost weight but you hadn't posted any pictres.... Congrats on the hard work!

Allison said...

What a cutie you have! Love the pictures.