Sunday, August 17, 2008

Last Week in Twin!

This last week, Porter figured out how to climb up...

...and down...

...his car seat! :) He ended up off of it and on the floor, and started to cry...he's so funny.

Jo fell over while sitting in her seat...

"I'm a turtle!"

I love my crazy sister.

Yesterday, Mom, Dad, Mikki, Jo, Porter, and I went down to Brigham City and ate at Maddox! If you've never been there, go! It's actually in Perry, Utah, but right by Brigham City. GREAT food...especially rolls!! :)

My great little traveller...hopefully he'll be this good on the drive to Oregon!

So, I got my hair trimmed and my bangs cut (which has been heavenly, let me tell you), and then my hairdresser, Kellie Thomson (friend since third grade!!), added some extensions! I just wanted to try it out. I'm not sure if I like them or not...

They're black!! I had a choice of various shades of pink or purple, or black...I think this one is the most "normal" out of all of them.

Seth is home!!! He came in as I was in the middle of doing this! I'm so glad he's here! He doesn't seem to like my extensions much, so maybe I'll take them out :) What do you think?

PS: We head out to Forest Grove at 9am tomorrow!! AH!!


Laura Howe said...

put another picture of your extensions on. I can't tell I think they look good, but I can't hardly tell. cute litte Porter you've got there.

Jamie & Ryan said...

I second that. I think you need to post another picture so we can see the extensions better. From what I can see I do like them. I've always been a fan of bold hair colors though! =)
Porter is getting so big. I can hardley believe it! He's gonna be into everything soon... I hope you're ready!

Alex and Anna said...

haha these pictures are funny! i really like your hair by the way. the bangs are way cute and the extensions are fun. i think you should leave them atleast for a little bit. So P 90 is ready to send! did you find out your zip code for sure? i don't want it to not make it!!! p.s Madox is the best...

Lara said...

ooh i like them!!