Thursday, May 15, 2008

An Ode to our Mothers :)

To my mom:
I want to tell you how much I love and appreicate you. You are always there for me and have always been there no matter how I acted around you. I admire how you are always in the service of others and I hope to become as dedicated to making others happy as you are. No batch of cookies or bread has ever been just for us...something, while young, we didn't appreciate much, but as I've grown I've started to do as well. I hope to become the amazing woman I hope you know you are. Your faith, your example...I thank you for all you have done for me and continue to do. Especially, I thank you for helping me raise Porter for the short time we were in Twin Falls. I definitely have more respect for you now that I'm a mother. I hope to be as good of a mother and friend as you are and were to me. Love you mom. Besides Seth, you're my best friend.

To Seth's mom:
I couldn't have asked for a more enjoyable Mother-in-law. You are more to me than just a mother-in-law, you are my friend. That is something that most daughters-in-law can't say about their mothers-in law. I'm so glad I have the opportunity to know you and to get to know you better in the years to come. I hope you know that I love you and admire you. Thank you for having your son :), and thank you for treating me as your own.

Happy Mother's Day! (a few days late...)


Lara said...

Happy Mothers Day to YOU!

Seth and Sierra said...

Hey, to you too! First time officially :)