Monday, April 28, 2008

Healthier Baby

Porter is doing much better than he was a week ago. Last monday, when we went to the doctor, Porter weighed in at 7 lbs 13 oz. This was really scary because he was severely underweight and even looked very sullen, but when we weighed him in at the doctor today, he was 9 lbs 3 oz. If he keeps this fast weight gain up, in four weeks he will be normal weight for his age and Seth and I will be relieved. As for now, I'm nursing, supplementing, and pumping to feed this little guy. I really don't have much time to myself or to get a lot done because of it, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes...maybe I'll just go to formula. What do you think?


Audrey said...

Oh I hope your little guy keep gaining weight. I would say don't give up nursing quite yet. It will get easier... I promise.
I stopped nursing Daegan when he was 6 months old because he just wasn't interested in eating. He only wanted to look around, play, and talked to me. It would like over an hour of playing, nursing, talking, nursing, nursing, playing to even get a whole meal in, but I am glad that I nursed at least that long. It would have been nicce to go olnger but life was get to hectic. So don't give up quite yet. He needs your milk to keep him from getting sick!

Murdock Family said...

I can totally relate to the "no time to yourself" because I had to nurse/pump and follow-up with a bottle with Jackson for 4 1/2 months! (He was just a lazy nurser and I was a determined mother . . . most of the time.) I got so frustrated and just wanted to give up on many occasions. . . but I am happy to say that I stuck it out and at about four and half months Jackson decided that he would be a nurser and would eat in less than ten minutes. It was such a miracle to me and truly and answer to my prayers! He is still nursing and I LOVE IT! I think I appreciate nursing more because of our experience. Anyway, if you ever want to vent about the woes of pumping and bottling feel free to call me. I think I would have liked that when I was going through this. :) Good luck! He will catch up and catch on, I am confident!

Laura Howe said...

OH man, that is so crazy. Good luck with that. Bottle feeding is so nice sometimes, because you have so much more freedom, but it is also so nice to nurse because that is one less thing to bring along. I think there are pros to both. Whatever you want. You can do it Mommy.

OH I like nursing because They take your calories and you lose weight nicely. That is one big reason to keep doing it. I love that. Good luck. :)Remember if you decide to do formula he will still love you that same and he will still be healthy as a oxen. Like boxen. and moosen. what?

Guereca Family said...

I just had to comment, I'm a friend of Kaylee Baird's.

My little boy is the same way with nursing. My first I was able to nurse and he'd was just great and grew awesomely.

But with my 2nd I've had to work super hard to get this kid to gain weight. We've finally got on a nursing/supplementing schedule that works of us.

It's been frustrating, but it gets easier!

E said...

I wish I would have been able to nurse Jaksen sooo badly, but with all the meds from pregnancy complications- I couldn't. I thought I was a bad mom for bottle feeding him, but really, I'm not. Don't let nursing stress you out, but cherish it. However, if you do decide to use formula, it's really nice... and dad can get in on the feeding. Jaksen is so big and healthy and wonderful, that's all I could ask for.