Monday, June 17, 2013

Fitting It All In

We are trying to fit in a bunch of stuff before we head out really soon.
Lilia had croup this week, so has been clingy and grumpy, so I didn't take many pictures of her... poor girl.
I have to admit, though, her raspy voice and almost silent cries and squeals are a little funny, even though it's sad.
We met up with Savanna and went to This is the Place on Friday morning, spur of the moment.
We had a blast!
Porter even got to ride a pony!
I got burned pretty bad because I didn't think we would be outside as much as we were.
Savanna got a bit burned as well, but we had fun!
Later, we met up with the Farrs downtown at City Creek to hang out.
We let the kids get soaked at the fountains after dinner.
It was very entertaining.
Although, for whatever reason, I didn't take any pictures.
After the fountains, we asked our sopping wet son if he would like to go walk Temple Square.
He said he would!
So we did...

...with him shivering the whole time. 
The next day, we decided to take a break from packing and go hike Ensign Peak!

Lilia wasn't a fan of the wind.
Or her hat.
Or her baby carrier.
On our drive back into heart of the city, I snapped a picture of the Capitol Building.

I realized we have now lived in three different capitol cities.
Kinda fun to think about.
Once back downtown, we parked under the Joseph Smith Memorial Building

Before touring the Beehive House...

And then eating at the Lion House...

It was a good break from the packing and wonderful weekend!

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