Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Shoshone Falls

If you've been to Twin Falls area, you may have seen this...

...if you haven't been, go.

Here is Shoshone Falls in all its glory:

I haven't seen it like this in years.

The mist went out really far!

And the roar of the water was quite loud.

Porter wasn't too fond of being so close...

Didn't keep us from being there.

Or from going to another lookout location...


Porter still wasn't too happy to be there...

But, we stayed for some quick family pictures.

A few things I miss about Twin Falls...or the mountain west in general I should say...

Thunderstorms, the smell of the rain after it falls (because it smells clean instead of moldy), and the sunsets...

...where you can see the WHOLE sky.

Love it.

And, for your viewing pleasure...

Porter saw a rock chuck, but it went away.

So to say where the rock chuck went, Porter made up a story!

Silly boy.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Idaho really does have its own kind of beauty, doesn't it? And you're right, it's seriously loud at the falls. But gorgeous!